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Configuring the GCF processors

The settings that control the GCF processors are stored in configuration (.ini) files. There should be one configuration file for each share that you create. The file can have any name but we recommend that it be the same as the share name that it configures. The locations of these configuration files are specified when the Windows scheduled tasks are created as described in Scheduling the GCF processors.

To configure the GCF processors:

  1. On the GCF computer, locate and run the following program:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\BC-Meridian\Program\GCF\Tools\Vault Prepare\GCFVaultPrepareTool.exe

  2. The GCFVaultPrepareTool window appears.
  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
GCF processor options
Option Description


The name of the server where the Meridian Enterprise vault is located that you want to share with GCF.


The name of the Meridian Enterprise vault that you want to share with GCF.


The name of the datastore in the Meridian Enterprise vault that you want to share with GCF. Typically, this is the same as the vault name.

GCF share name

The name of the share given to the Meridian Enterprise vault or workspace that you want to share with GCF. For information about creating a share, see Creating and editing a share.

  1. Click Create INI file. The configuration file is created in the location shown in Target path. The required folder structure and sample commands are also created.

The configuration files contain multiple sections. Each is explained in the following topics that describe how to configure the configuration file for a Meridian Enterprise vault.

Related tasks

Configuring the general settings

Configuring the export settings

Configuring the import settings